
Mary Ann Shadd Cary in the Here and Now

Due Date: 05-01-2021

Proposals are sought for an edited collection about the intrepid and boundary-defying intellectual Mary Ann Shadd Cary, developed by Kristin Moriah in partnership with the Colored Conventions Project, Douglass Day, and the early Black Women’s Organizing Archive at Penn State’s Center for Black Digital Research/DigBlk.

We are in search of innovative scholarly work from a broad range of interdisciplinary perspectives, including historical, literary, gender, ecological, bibliographical, visual, sound, and performance studies. We aim to work across scholarly boundaries of nineteenth-century Black feminist inquiry in North America. Papers chosen for the collection will first be presented at a virtual symposium in October 2021, hosted by Queen’s University and the Center for Black Digital Research/Dig Blk at Penn State University. We invite article submissions (6,000 words) as well as interviews and creative texts (1,000–3,000 words) for consideration.

Proposals should include a 500-word description of the paper (500 words) and a brief (no more than 3 pages) CV submitted by 1 May 2021. Applicants will be notified by 1 June 2021. Full papers will be submitted by 1 Sept 2021 for precirculation before the symposium—with a tight deadline for revisions shortly thereafter so that the book will be ready for the 200th anniversary of Cary’s birth in 2023.

Please see for more details and submission info.