
Arizona State University Institute for Humanities Research

ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE FOR HUMANITIES RESEARCH: Two visiting fellowships for humanities scholars (tenured or tenure-track) from institutions of higher education in the United States or abroad to spend a spring semester-in-residence at the university. IHR fellows pursue research and writing in an environment designed to be stimulating and supportive. During their residency, fellows contribute to the general enrichment of humanities scholarship through seminars and public lectures as well as frequent meetings with university fellows working on related topics. The one-semester visiting fellows stipend (6 January through 8 May) is $25,000, and awards include an office and support services. Visit the IHR Web site ( for additional information, including the 2013–14 theme and application materials. The deadline is 17 February. For additional information, contact Kathleen Holladay, Assistant Director (, Inst. for Humanities Research, Arizona State Univ., PO Box 876505, Tempe 85287-6505 (480 965-3000).