
Beyond Networks of Domination: Rethinking Machinic Media, Digitality, and Cinema of Our Times

Due Date: 03-01-2024

Editors: Ananya Roy Pratihar (IMIS, Bhubaneswar), Saswat Samay Das (IIT, Kharagpur), and Shashibhushan Nayak (GP Nayagarh)

We invite papers that could both extend and critique the experimental media, digitality, and cinema of our times. Simultaneously, we also need papers that reflect the potential for reinventing the schizoanalytic or experimental mode of media, digitality, and cinema to do justice to Deleuze’s clarion call for finding new weapons of resistance.

Abstracts of about 200 words, including six keywords, a 50-word bio, institutional affiliation, and contact details, should be emailed by 1 March 2024 as a single Word document attachment.

Chapter requirements: A chapter should be 4,000–5,000 words, including footnotes and a bibliography, adhering to the MLA Handbook (9th ed.).

Important Dates:

Deadline for abstract submission: 1 March 2024
Abstract selection notification: 30 March 2024
Complete paper submission: 1 October 2024