
Harry Ransom Center Research Fellowships in the Humanities

HARRY RANSOM CENTER RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS IN THE HUMANITIES: The Harry Ransom Center at the University of Texas, Austin, annually awards fifty fellowships to support scholarly research projects in all areas of the humanities, including literature, photography, film, art, the performing arts, music, and cultural history. Applicants must demonstrate the necessity of substantial on-site use of the center’s collections. Available fellowships include one- to three-month residential fellowships at stipends of $3,500 per month and travel stipends of $2,000 for projects that require less than one month’s research at the center. Six $2,000 dissertation fellowships are available for graduate students who are working on doctoral dissertations. All applicants, with the exception of applicants for dissertation fellowships, must be postdoctorates or independent scholars with substantial records of achievement. United States citizens and foreign nationals are eligible to apply. Those who have previously received a Ransom Center fellowship are eligible to reapply after one year has passed. Complete applications must be received by 1 November. For more information about the Ransom Center, the fellowship program, and full application instructions, visit