Henry James Review
Due Date: 03-01-2021
In the opening preface to the New York Edition of his fiction, James famously wrote, “Really, universally, relations stop nowhere, and the exquisite problem of the artist is eternally but to draw, by a geometry of his own, the circle in which they shall happily appear to do so. . . . The prime effect of so sustained a system, so prepared a surface, is to lead on and on; while the fascination of following resides, by the same token, in the presumability somewhere of a convenient, of a visibly-appointed stopping-place.” James’s problem of the artist is also the problem of scholarship: Finding a “convenient . . . stopping-place” that also leads readers “on and on” in their own work and thinking.
This forum issue of the Henry James Review seeks shorter studies or longer notes (1,000 words) to longer articles (12,500 words) on such “stopping-place[s]”—topics related to Henry James’s literary biography, fiction, criticism, travel writing, plays—and their relation to the literary world in Britain, the United States, France, Italy, or elsewhere from shortly before James’s birth in 1843 to shortly after his death in 1916.
Of special interest are new approaches to Henry James biography, narrative, archival work, data collection, genre, readership or criticism, publication, or professionalism in relation to the nineteenth-century literary world.
Contributions should be produced according to MLA style (8th ed.) and sent to hjamesr@creighton.edu by 1 March 2021. Please identify your manuscript as a Forum 2021 submission.