
de genere

Due Date: 09-30-2024

The journal de genere invites submission for the special issue Feminist and Intersectional Ecologies in Literature and Visual Culture, guest edited by Giulia Fabbri (Sapienza University of Rome) and Chiara Xausa (University of Bologna).

This issue intends to map and investigate (in an inevitably partial way) old and new entanglements (as well as future horizons) between intersectional feminist theories and practices and the environmental humanities in literature and visual culture in a variety of national contexts or with a comparative approach. In both literature and visual culture, the linkage of ecofeminist theories, the transversality of struggles, and the many complexities brought by intersectionality remains indeed to be thoroughly scrutinized. We are especially interested in inviting submissions that engage with cultural representations of such intersections by focusing on a range of topics (such as feminism and the posthuman, ecofeminism and intersectionality, gender and climate change, queer ecologies, animal issues) through different perspectives of analysis (including post- and decolonial studies, critical race theory, queer theory, indigenous epistemologies, disability studies).

Possible areas of investigation may include

  • climate fiction, solarpunk, ecofiction;
  • theater and performing arts;
  • film, photography, television, web series; and
  • art, artivism, and aesthetic practices.

Please send your proposals for articles, interviews, or creative interventions (max. 500 words, in English or Italian), along with a short biography, to, and

Deadline for abstract submission: 30 September 2024
Acceptance of proposals will be notified by 15 October 2024
Deadline for submitting final accepted articles: 15 February 2025

Read the complete call for papers on the journal’s website.