
Fabienne Kanor in Transgression: Documenting, Performing, Writing, and Filming the Insufferable

Due Date: 09-15-2018

Contributions are sought for an anthology focused on the works of the award-winning author, filmmaker, and journalist Fabienne Kanor. It tackles the transgressive aesthetics that inform and arise from her filmic, literary, and journalistic engagements—including rituals, sound art, and performance art. It uncovers her trans-genre texts as hybrid makings also signifying the hybrid bodies they represent. Issues of commodity, Creolization, trace, site, body, or landscape (to name a few) will be analyzed through their porous (rather than impenetrable) boundaries between the literary, visual, or virtual. Contributions will offer new theoretical and critical examinations of Kanor’s creative process: How can we investigate, theoretically or critically, Kanor’s transgressive aesthetics? In what ways do her transgressive works challenge Western conventional perception of genres, the standardization of cultures, and the material archive? How do Kanor’s works historicize agencies of resistance, test moral sensibilities, sabotage the voyeuristic gaze and sexualized pleasures? How do they stimulate a new methodology for reading the black body?

Please send a 550-word abstract in English or French, an abbreviated CV, and a list of research interests to Gladys M. Francis ( by 15 September 2018.