
The Hemingway Review

Due Date: 08-15-2022

This special issue of The Hemingway Review aims to deepen the conversation about Hemingway, Blackness, and Whiteness. Recognizing Hemingway was taught and expected to perform White supremacy and privilege, we call on scholars to demonstrate ways to identify and make meaning of racism and anti-racism in Hemingway’s work. What can we learn from Hemingway about the performance of Whiteness and what use is that knowledge? How have Black writers engaged Hemingway, both in his lifetime and later? What questions about Blackness and Whiteness in the United States should we be asking of Hemingway’s public persona, Hemingway’s writing, and our teaching of both?

Because Hemingway’s influence was so wide-reaching, we invite scholars from all disciplines to be part of this project and welcome the application of methodologies not immediately associated with literary scholarship. We seek arguments that do more than apologize or reprimand. We are looking for nuanced explorations of how racism is embedded and resisted in public performance, American letters, personal correspondence, and language itself. All submissions must address Hemingway, but Hemingway need not be the only author or public figure interrogated.

Submissions are due 15 August 2022 to Essays should be about 6,250 words and prepared in accordance with the MLA eighth edition style sheet. For detailed submission guidelines and to learn more about The Hemingway Review, please visit